Page name: Italians UNITE [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-25 18:52:30
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Questo è il luogo dove gli italiani possono unirsi e parlare del loro patrimonio ed essere anti-americani se vivono in quel luogo di MERDA. Qui possono mettere in mostra i loro veri colori... che sono di certo il verde, il bianco, e il rosso!

This is the place where Italians can unite and talk about their heritage and be un-american if they live in that SHIT hole. Also this is where they can show off their true colors... which are of course green, white, and red!!




all right you guys this page is seriously lacking in our moral lets show our true colors GREEN, WHITE, RED!


1. [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble] - No shit, I started it hee hee

2. [ItalianViolinist] - Il Violinista di Ragazza da Trieste

3.[Rainy~Day] VIVA LA ITALIA!

4.[Brookes <a target="_blank" href="">Sex</a>y Juggalo]hey if ur 50 percent italian dose that still make u italian lolol just play viva la italia

5.[MajinBu] 100% true italian lol and still living there :P

6.[Avacynrei] 95% Italian^_^

7.[f8cfaf3] Orgoglio Italiano!

8.[Lord Balmung of the Azure Sky] IM ITALIAN AND PROUD!!!

9. [PsychoticBliss] dont mess with the italians man! we're from the mafia!

10.[LisaLola.] I just added myself 'cause I really love Italy! Feels like it is my country! my grandmother is Italian!

11.[Oh! Its a Riot xx] .. yey

12.[BrokenPromise7x] Italians are awesome

13.[connor's left elftown] my dad's side is italian! and im going next summer !!

14. [*Clause Patent*] booya bitches i'm 50 % italian and lovin it!! and i love the banners by the way...fucking awesome

15. [bellatrix lestrange] I plan on <a target="_blank" href="">moving</a> to Italy as soon as possible, I heart all things Italian!

16. [lusci0uz X playmate] HELL YEAH IM ITALIAN!!!! *dances around* ITALIANS ROCK!!!!

17. [xXxerinxXx -pure sex-] I LOVE ITALIANS!!! lol what more can i say.....

18 . [me matas]my last name is Colonna what else would i fucking be?

19. [Bearer of the Black Sword]

20. [Human Casualties] Italians rock im one! and everyone here

21. [blue_is_true] im italian and many other things to i love italy its one of my fav countries i love bein italian

22. [Prater] Italian on father's side...

23. [Snowflame] I'm quarter Italian..does that still count?

24.[robsalvatore2]italians are the best and i love being italian

25.[kathryn's amante]

26.[CanUKeepUp]i love being Italian and there bois are yummie

27.[Dulce et Decorum Est™] w00t w00t italians rule!! 100% here!!!

28. [Hermes322]

29[buttmunch17]my mommys italian and my dad is indian am i still considered italian?

30. [Gone Away Deleted Poof] Italians own you! Viva La Italy!!!

31. [scythebearer] i'll make you an offer you can't refuse!

32. [Firelord]bho...i'm italian...

33. [Nicolai Antredias] Proud of my Italian Heritage.

34.[Sharp leaf] Viva l'italia!!!

35.[Life's A Bitch Be Its Pimp] my mum iz italian and my dad is egyptian??

36. [WolfBrethren] been a long time sice i wrote in italian. can some one check this for me? (Non sapere ciò che dire cosí che ritornerò a lei su ciò.)

37. [Oomnomnom] I'm 25% Italian on my dad's side, and I'm very proud of it!

38. [Tawnee.] Italians ROCK!

39. [Anda] Full Italian and a green card in the U.S. Weird, neh?

40. [Sacro Zitella] Italian Represent, what else is there to say?^^

41. [blue cavalier]

Username (or number or email):


2004-07-19 [ItalianViolinist]: Ciao, Senora Italiana. :)

2004-07-19 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: ciao! como estai??? :) HEE HEEE!!!!

2004-07-20 [Kilt81]: Se siamo italiani perchè allora voi state parlando spagnolo? :)

2004-07-20 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: Bene! Prendiamo alla lingua REALE!

2004-07-22 [MajinBu]: finalmente una pagina wiki per italiani! devo assolutamente diventare membro! :P

2004-07-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: Lei deve diventare membro! anche se lei sono l'inferno italiano-americano non mi preoccupo!

2004-08-10 [MajinBu]: lol am i the only one that still lives in italy?

2004-08-10 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: i think so im not too sure lol i lived there when i was two though

2004-08-10 [MajinBu]: mhmmm i see... lol well in a year im not going to live there anymore...

2004-08-12 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: aww why not???

2004-08-13 [f8cfaf3]: 5 dollari dice che non capite che cosa sto dicendo a voi ora.

2004-08-13 [skitzxlettex]: yea y not and stuff?

2004-08-13 [kiss will kill you86]: YAY ITALIANS!!!!!!!!!! MORE PEOPLE LIKE ME!!!!!! ::hugs everyone:: i love you guys

2004-08-13 [skitzxlettex]: im cunfuzzled.......

2004-08-13 [kiss will kill you86]: ::is learning italian..and is going to change her name to her mom's maiden name of nocera::

2004-08-13 [kiss will kill you86]: i'm italian

2004-08-13 [skitzxlettex]: me also but only 50% :(

2004-08-13 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: i feel so cool!! i mean its awesome i started this wiki!! and i feel like people actually like me or something!!!!

2004-08-14 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: you guys are so great lol--keep joining!!

2004-08-22 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: dude--if you like "Italy" dont spell it "italie" lol

2004-08-22 [LisaLola.]: I'm sorry ;)

2004-08-22 [MajinBu]: lol am i really the only full italian here though?

2004-08-23 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: well since you live in italy i guess so. i was born there, my parents and grandparents were too though

2004-08-27 [MajinBu]: hmmmm do you speak italian at home?

2004-08-27 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: yeah lol a lot of the time

2004-08-27 [MajinBu]: che fissa :P

2004-08-27 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: that it fixes?

2004-08-28 [MajinBu]: lol no.... its a saying like "how cool!"

2004-08-29 [MajinBu]: .< lol yea..... theres another one that just goes.... "BELLA!" lol.... ill let you figure what that means....

2004-08-30 [f8cfaf3]: *dances like a penguin*

2004-08-30 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: bello = josh gorham :-D

2004-08-30 [MajinBu]: lmao you mean.... bello..... >.<'''

2004-09-03 [bellatrix lestrange]: hey everyone! or...bonjerno? *sigh* wish i could speak italian

2004-09-03 [MajinBu]: lol buongiorno.... :P theres always time to learn >.<

2004-09-03 [KillerQueen]: yey im italian...come state tutti!!

2004-09-03 [f8cfaf3]: buona notte tutto devo fuori inserire

2004-09-03 [Mikhul, the Bard]: Did u know that speghetti really came from china?! But no, I am not legally italian, but I am sure that I have distand italiano relative from the olden days...say, 1820......

2004-09-03 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: wow are you serious it came from china??!

2004-09-04 [bellatrix lestrange]: maybe they mean...noodles, like, er ramen?

2004-09-05 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lolol yeah lol well i think in italy they wanted something to be colorful like thier flag, the white is the cheese and noodles, the green is the seasoning, the red is the sauce... thats what my little sister told me.

2004-09-05 [bellatrix lestrange]: lol, it makes sense

2004-09-05 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lol yeah lol

2004-09-05 [MajinBu]: lol well the thing about something being as the flag is about pizza actually.... some guy wanted to please the queen.... and her name was margherita.... in fact a plain green, white and red pizza is a margherita... that has the red from the tomatoes.... the white from the cheese.... and the green from the basil.....

2004-09-05 [bellatrix lestrange]: gosh i'm hungry now...

2004-09-05 [MajinBu]: lol im always hungry >.<

2004-09-06 [KillerQueen]: yeh mee too...but not spaggheti...i like ravioli

2004-09-06 [MajinBu]: lol as a good italian i like any kind >.<

2004-09-06 [KillerQueen]: yeh...i'll pretty much it whats put infront of long as its not breathing

2004-09-06 [MajinBu]: lmao.... hmmm that would be weird.... to eat something that breathes >.<

2004-09-06 [KillerQueen]: yeh...but then again it does happen...has anyone else here seen the Amazing Race...i remeber that once these people had to eat octopus in korea and they were moving across the plate...i was honestly going to be sick

2004-09-06 [MajinBu]: omg O.O' woa.... that is so gross

2004-09-06 [KillerQueen]: yeh i know...they cut the octopus up and put them in water and drank was sick

2004-09-06 [bellatrix lestrange]: *turns slightly green* wow...

2004-09-06 [MajinBu]: *barfs*

2004-09-06 [KillerQueen]: haha...have you seen it

2004-09-06 [MajinBu]: mmm lol not at that show... but its a pretty common thing in those kind of shows i think >.<

2004-09-06 [KillerQueen]: yeh...if anyone reads this who is watching the new season..dont tell me whats happening coz its not on in australia yet!

2004-09-06 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lmao wow i was gone for a while but i see you guys had things to talk about!! lmao

2004-09-06 [MajinBu]: lol basically gross stuff on tv >.<

2004-09-06 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lolo yeah i can see that lmao

2004-09-06 [MajinBu]: lol yesh.... ahem.... excuse me..... *runs away to the bathroom*

2004-09-06 [lusci0uz X playmate]: HELL YEA! im italian

2004-09-07 [KillerQueen]: yey for you! im dying for the new amazing race to come to aus...damn channel 7!!

2004-09-07 [f8cfaf3]: lol...

2004-09-07 [KillerQueen]: i have to go at school and im going to go heat up my pasta in the italian!!

2004-09-07 [bellatrix lestrange]: lol, go you!

2004-09-07 [MajinBu]: *comes back from the bathroom* oh man... i feel so relieved >.<

2004-09-07 [f8cfaf3]: ~~poop~~

2004-09-08 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: hahaha lmfao

2004-09-08 [f8cfaf3]: lol what seems to be so funny?

2004-09-08 [KillerQueen]: releived as in you did number 2 or you vomited??

2004-09-08 [f8cfaf3]: numero due

2004-09-08 [KillerQueen]: HAHAHAHHA...thats gross...

2004-09-08 [f8cfaf3]: lol!.. how is it gross? you do it too..

2004-09-08 [KillerQueen]: yeh but i dont talk about it!!

2004-09-08 [MajinBu]: ummmm lol no i actually did number three.... >.<''

2004-09-08 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: lmfao what is number three then hah?

2004-09-08 [MajinBu]: ummm just took a walk in the bathroom.... lmao to stretch my knees....

2004-09-08 [f8cfaf3]: lmfao.. I'm guessing that number three is doing both at the same time XD

2004-09-09 [KillerQueen]: how funny would that be...

2004-09-09 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: hahah that is .. MAN WHY THE HELL ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THIS MERDA??!!

2004-09-09 [MajinBu]: lmao i guess its because its my fault >.< scusate tanto....

2004-09-09 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: haha lol its okay so how is everyone doing today?

2004-09-09 [MajinBu]: mmm alright i guess.... just tired from flagwaveing......

2004-09-09 [KillerQueen]: im sick...i had to have a blood test yesterday coz i might have glandular i have an italian speaking exam tomorrow and i might be too sick to do it!!

2004-09-10 [MajinBu]: awww that sucks.... i hope you do good in it though....

2004-09-10 [KillerQueen]: guess what...the examiners are giving me an extra week so i can get better...yey

2004-09-10 [MajinBu]: lmao you got lucky :P

2004-09-10 [KillerQueen]: i know....grazie DIO

2004-09-10 [MajinBu]: hahahahhaha

2004-09-10 [KillerQueen]: maybe you all can help me out with practice

2004-09-10 [MajinBu]: lmao i was about to tell you that....

2004-09-10 [KillerQueen]: oooh...frrreeeaky...i read your mind

2004-09-10 [MajinBu]: lmao i better lock my head up >.< wouldnt want you to read private stuff about me :P

2004-09-10 [KillerQueen]: oooh like what

2004-09-12 [suss]: Ohh.. Crenas friend, you're studying italian.. cool.. *always wanted to*

2004-09-12 [MajinBu]: lmao i thought you could read minds killerqueen >.<

2004-09-13 [KillerQueen]: tricked

2004-09-13 [MajinBu]: lmao who you calling bastardo??? >.<

2004-09-13 [KillerQueen]: you...bastardo!!

2004-09-14 [MajinBu]: lmao that sounds so funny said like that....

2004-09-14 [KillerQueen]: haha...i tried to add a little italian twist to it

2004-09-14 [f8cfaf3]: <img:> what do you think about it?

2004-09-14 [KillerQueen]: nice

2004-09-15 [MajinBu]: lol yea....

2004-09-15 [KillerQueen]: it looks sharp and lethal

2004-09-15 [f8cfaf3]: hehe.. well I couldn't really decide what font to use so I chose that one.. randomly..

2004-09-15 [KillerQueen]: its good

2004-09-17 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: kickass shit!!! kickass!!!!!!! I FUCKIN LOVE IT!!!

2004-09-17 [f8cfaf3]: hehe alright.. as long as the maker of this wiki loves it i'm alright with it.. :)

2004-09-17 [KillerQueen]: hahaahh...yey

2004-10-11 [f8cfaf3]: *waddles around like a penguin*

2004-10-12 [me matas]: hmm after eating pasta all my life i find it to be overrated.

2004-10-12 [MajinBu]: lmao... all depends on how you eat it >.<'

2004-10-13 [KillerQueen]: yeh...put it up your nose..thats fun

2004-10-13 [MajinBu]: agggh.... lmao.... put it up your nose and make it come out thru your mouth......

2004-10-14 [KillerQueen]: yeh...or the other way around...i did that once and i started coughing and it came out of my never going to do a dare that my brother sets ever again

2004-10-14 [MajinBu]: lmao thank god that never happend to me :P

2004-10-14 [f8cfaf3]: lolz. yeah.. *<(:>

2004-10-15 [f8cfaf3]: umm like the banners don't work..

2004-10-15 [KillerQueen]: hahahahhaha...thats so random...i love it

2004-10-15 [f8cfaf3]: lolz well i'm serious here the banners don't work..

2004-10-16 [KillerQueen]: ah well...

2004-10-17 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: hang on i will try to fix the banners

2004-10-17 [f8cfaf3]: okay dokay

2004-10-17 [f8cfaf3]: my mom put me on this medication, I said attention disofficer, dissofficer, attention deficit disorder with the things and Im apparently not paying attention… what were you saying.. hi!

2004-10-17 [f8cfaf3]: so were you able to fix the banners?

2004-10-17 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: im wroking on it

2004-10-17 [f8cfaf3]: lolz okays.. Yeah the pigeons and the things, I don’t like them because they steal the food with the things and I don’t like them because sometimes they steal my nuts.

2004-10-18 [KillerQueen]: and things...

2004-10-18 [f8cfaf3]: :P

2004-10-18 [KillerQueen]: heehee..

2004-10-20 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: DAMNIT i cant get the f--n banners .... maybe someone can make new ones? i bet they will be a lot better... those sucked anyway lol

2004-10-20 [f8cfaf3]: lolz yeah.. :'( it's a shame you can't fix them hehe.. maybe.. i can download the same font i did the italians unite thingy amajiggy up above.. ^^

2004-10-20 [f8cfaf3]: and add it onto the italian flag.. hehe

2004-10-20 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: hey yeah thats sweet!

2004-10-20 [f8cfaf3]: yeah although i have to wait untill i get home because at school they don't allow you to install any new fonts.. well in this comp lab at least..

2004-10-20 [♥ Italian Women Can Get You in Trouble]: oohhh i see yeah my comps at school are like that too

2004-10-20 [f8cfaf3]: hehe yeah... well my computer teacher from last year's comp lab allows you to install fonts in them.. hehe it's onlyin this lab they don't allow you to..

2004-10-21 [KillerQueen]: chiming sorry

2004-10-21 [f8cfaf3]: 'O_o anywho.. i'm home now so i'm gonna get started on that stuff. .hehe..

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